Recap: St. Peter’s Pie & Ice Cream Social, June 11

A special THANKS to Fr. Golyzniak and St. Peter’s for hosting a very fun and successful event to benefit Mater Filius! We especially thank Stephanie Kemp and the St. Peter’s Respect Life Apostolate, Janet Campbell who led the Amazing Women’s Guild, Randy Fritz and Bill Maggio and the Knights of Columbus Council #11514, and Sister Pham and her Savio Teens! We are grateful to ALL the volunteers, staff, and donors who made this possible.

A fun time was had by all, and they raised more than $14,000 to help Mater Filius defend life with love! In addition, Fr. Golyzniak announced that a most generous St. Peter parishioner has pledged to double our donations to Mater Filius up to $50,000.00! See the separate post or our Give page to have your gift matched! May God reward this generous donor and ALL those who made the Social possible!

Enjoy our photo gallery!

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